Meditation retreat in Thailand - LaBudhi meditation retreat in Thailand


Meditation retreat Awakening your senses

Retreat begins every five days –  1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th of every month.

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What is a LaBudhi Meditation retreat?

Retreat at LaBudhi is a real workout where you can get and develop the tools for real Happiness, like the feeling of Peace and Silence.

A retreat at LaBudhi is a daily variety of activities aimed at developing Attention, Sensitivity, Awareness and Thought control and their interaction.

Retreat in LaBudhi is your work with yourself, simple purity, complete absence of religions, absence of binding and auxiliary instruments such as special music, mantras, prayers, worship, chakras and other “positive” habits or addictions.

Retreat at LaBudhi is about Happiness, how to allow yourself to be Happy, about how not to lose yourself, and including about awakening

Retreat at LaBudhi is about Connecting to Life …

Retreat is conducted by Sasha Granovski and Trainers of personal Attention


Retreat tools to train your ability to feel Happiness:


Developing attention allows you to control your life. This is the most effective tool available to a person to change and control his life, control his Mind, Thoughts, and, of course, for the constancy of Happiness.


  • The development of sensitivity allows you to feel and experience more colors of life.
  • This allows you to begin to feel Happiness itself, something that previously seemed inaccessible. Happiness is a subtle feeling of Peace and Silence, it’s like catching a smell while exhaling))
  • Shift your attention into feelings and sensations in the body and beyond. Controlling your sensitivity through attention


Developing of awareness allows just Being. To be at the present moment, “here and now”. It is focusing your attention at the present moment. And Happiness is available only in this present moment – that which we are all looking for.

The present moment is the only thing that is Real. And thoughts about the past and the future are NOT Reality, even about what happened a couple of minutes ago.


Research of the mind allows you to see and feel what it is, to reveal the nature of thoughts and how they affect you. This will help you not get stuck in your mind and use it more effectively.

Controlling your Mind and Thoughts occurs through attention, through the development of attention, which leads to effective getting rid of fears, blocks, expectations, addictions, stress and so on.

What happens during LaBudhi retreat?

Developing Attention and Sensitivity

We develop attention in “LaBudhi”, as the most important tool for managing our life in LaBudhi, which allows us to develop both sensitivity and awareness, and control our mind and thoughts. Sensitivity will allow you to begin to feel more tastes of life and happiness. Feeling the happiness that is in you is like starting to feel smells when you exhale, and for this you need to develop sensitivity. Attention helps to have control your life.

Increasing Awareness & Mindfulness

Awareness is trained by using various meditation and yoga techniques. Simple exercises, physical activity.

Raising awareness is the development of the skill of directing attention to the present moment, which allows you to develop the ability to automatically find yourself at the present moment.

Useful Theory

We will have conversation about many topics:

What is attention. What is Happiness. How to be happy. Relationship. Love. 7 ways how get rid all thoughts. What is thoughts and mind. Nature of thoughts. How get rid fears and addictions. What is emotions. What is Human. Death  and fear of death. Meaning of life. What is awareness. How control your life. How get rid stress. Awakening, Enlightenment and other

Territory and rooms of LaBudhi meditation

Schedule of retreat day in LaBudhi meditation

We recommend a 5 nights and 6 days program
  • Wake up 06:00-06:30


  • Meditation #23 + sharing 06:30-07:30

    4 points

  • Breakfast 08:00-08:45

    Fruits, porridge, juice or smoothie

  • Meditation #24 + sharing 09:00-09:50

    Dynamic and static attention

  • Yoga 10:00-11.30
  • Lunch 12:00-13:00
  • Free time 13:00-15:00

    Rest, art, music

  • Meditation #25 + sharing 15:00-16:00

    Pressure and completeness

  • Meditation #26 + sharing 16:00-17:00

    Switch on & off senses

  • Dinner 17:30-18:30

    Vegetarian healthy food

  • Meditation #27 + sharing 18:30-19:30

    Observing mind and Thoughts. 7 ways

  • Meditation #28 + sharing 19:30-20:30

    Acceleration of attention - 15 objects

  • Sharing + Answers 20:30-21:00
  • Free time 21:00-22:00
  • Lights out after 22:00

What is the Awakening of the senses at LaBudhi?

Awakening is a universal solution to all human problems – fears, blocks, addictions, stress, depression, unhappiness, etc

Awakening is the Completion of all spiritual paths and searches, the real Life begins only after that.

Awakening is total happiness – falling in love with Life.

Awakening is the control of the mind, it is a complete Harmony with yourself and with the world.

Reviews Meditation retreat LaBudhi

Retreat Features in LaBudhi



We are located in Koh Samui, Thailand
Quiet and nature place with own white sand beach. A large green territory


We use Sasha Granovski’s author’s guided meditations, from the simplest to the most complex, to get to know ourselves better. To develop your attention, open your feelings, and develop awareness.

Meditation for us is life in full attention. Total awareness. We introduce our guests to the deep essence of meditation through the example of simple actions.


The retreat includes healthy fresh foods. This is the food of fruits, vegetables, soups, salads, smoothies and juices. Only a simple and healthy food diet. It’s important not only what we eat, but how we eat. Stop feeding thoughts. Feel as different as you can!


Daily exercise allows you to better feel your body and heal your organism. Increase concentration and attention. Improve immunity. We use special yoga complexes aimed at the general health improvement, cleansing and transformation of a person.


Small groups: each group will have max 16 person. it’s mean every participant will get enough person attention.

We have strict rules on the territory of the retreat:
– no alcohol
– no cigarettes
– no drugs
– no loud noises


After retreat you will know how control your thoughts, how control your attention, how manage your life and will have skills of these

Retreat LaBudhi Meditation is:

Sensitivity fills Life, making it more tasty and varied.

Sensitivity allows you to develop awareness, which leads to permanent happiness.

For all

Age, gender and physical skills don’t matter. Practices are held in English

Free Duration of your retreat

You choose the duration of stay with us.  All our program is 30 unique exercises, it is 5 nights/6 day. The difficulty of training increases every day

Pleasure and comfort

The basis of our practices is enjoyment of the process and freedom.

Comfortable living in quite place and Comfortable trainings


Queen room with Sea view

King or Queen size bed
$ 95
Per day 1 person
  • Minimum 3 days
  • All inclusive
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Trainings/Meditations​
  • Extra person +$59

Classic room with sea view

2 Twin beds
$ 95
Per day 1 person
  • Minimum 3 days
  • All inclusive
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Trainings/Meditations
  • Extra person +$59
2024-08-16 в 13.47.18


Single beds
$ 0
Per day 1 person
  • Is limited
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Trainings/Meditations
  • Only after the interview

LaBudhi philosophy & lifestyle

Be conscious in the present moment

Direct attention at the present moment.

Live life every moment is the greatest pleasure in life.

Realize every second where your Attention

No religions and worships

Only your own senses and feelings are real. Religions, Gurus, teachers, and various worships are not needed for this.


Peace and Wellbeing

Every time we use our Attention we have a Well-Being, we feel “Yes”

Conscious eating

Healthy eating are the guarantee of health and longevity. Feel your body and its needs. Feel like every bit of food affects you


Physical exerxises

Daily exercise is a necessary condition for the full functioning of the organism. Yoga, swimming, running, exercise with your weight and others that you like.


Your attention is the most valuable resource

Everybody wants your Attention.

Who or what controls your Attention controls your life.

Attention is the currency with which you buy Suffering or Happiness.

Every Thought that we use we bought and paid via our Attention


Vegetarian healthy food

Sasha Granovski

Founder of LaBudhi meditation retreat center in Thailand, Author of MyAttention Method (development of attention),  free from all religions and concepts, where the spiritual paths of many of its visitors are completed. Also Sasha is founder and CEO of high-tech IT company of post-quantum encryption.

The author of many Guided meditations aimed at developing attention,  sensitivity, awareness, and development of the mind – the result of which is the “awakening” of a person and, as a result, Happiness.

A feature of his meditations is freedom and simplicity – no aids are used – no music, no mantras, no bowls, no special substances or visualizations. Freedom from everything.

All work takes place inside a person. This helps to avoid additional “positive” addictions and to learn to feel Happiness regardless of anything and no one.

“Spent more then 12000 hours to own research of Attention and Thoughts, studying myself and observing my students, making large tables for analysis, conducting experiments.”

“One day I woke up with the deepest love of myself. I also felt the love for the world before, but what I experienced that morning cannot be described in words. Since then, interesting things began to happen to me and some changes, new sensations appear, with which I learn to live anew”

PS: what’s mean LaBudhi? La  is sound of love, of openning love. Budhi is the song of enlight and the awakening.

How to achieve Awakening or Enlighten?



Developing Attention, using Attention every second.  The ego of a person begins to thin itself with developing Attention and increase awareness, and as a result, holes are formed in it or disappear completely. It takes your effort.


With help

The ego can be removed with the help of special people, next to which the ego itself disappears. This is a certain innate ability of such people, their skill and such a function. It happens instantly and without effort, only readiness. The fastest way, but only for several month. 


By chance

Bright flashes of awakening happen – but this condition is lost, due to the lack of awareness and misunderstanding of what has happened.

Know your sensitivity level by passing test

Sensitivity fills Life, making it more tasty and varied.

Sensitivity allows you to develop awareness, which leads to permanent happiness.

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